
All the types of writing included in this section inform and educate.

Peer-reviewed articles do that and more. CreateWrite understands the chicken-and-egg challenge of publishing as a prerequisite to obtain research funding. Journal editors want only the most promising articles that will increase their readership, while funding sources want to see previously published work. From start to finish, CreateWrite produces well-written articles that are fine-tuned to authors’ target journals.


Abstracted articles (very short article summaries) are becoming increasingly popular on e-platforms. With science expanding so rapidly, professional associations are using e-pubs to keep physicians abreast of a wider range of specialty-related news than they might obtain from their print journal subscriptions.

White papers position an organization as an authority on a topic without being a marketing pitch. Often they are leave-behinds for physicians.

Newsletter articles can target general/patient audiences or physician audiences.


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Abstracted articles

White papers

Hospital newsletter articles

What clients say:

Article on cystic fibrosis therapeutics

“You were a very big help with this article. I enjoyed working with you—it was an unusually difficult submission process and you were really patient. We will certainly keep you in mind for future projects.”
RM, physician/researcher

Article on 4th metatarsal repair

“I am pleased to inform you that both reviewers liked your Techniques in Foot and Ankle Surgery submission very much. One reviewer suggests accepting your paper as is. This is exactly the type of article we strive to publish. Thank you for your submission!”
EH, editorial manager

Article on a Phase 1 clinical trial for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

“Very nice job!!”
DW, physician/researcher

Article on gene therapy

“Thanks again for your excellent editing work on my manuscript. I’m liking it much more than before sending it to you. It’s nice when you can read something written by a professional writer. For sure, I will contact you again shortly.”
CB, PhD researcher

Abstracted palliative care articles

“Thanks, Lana! Your contributions have already made a huge impact on the efficiency and quality of [our e-pub].”
JL, senior managing editor

White paper on new neurosurgical visualization technology

“Only minor comments [to suggest] … this was really well done!”
LN, senior marketing director for a medical device company

White paper series on engineering staffing trends

“You did a great job on the engineering white papers. We’d like you to update the one about the engineering labor shortage and the one about maximizing employee retention.”
BC, senior marketing manager

Critical care newsletter article (part of a capital campaign project)

“This is fabulous and EXACTLY what we are looking for. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
LH, marketing & communications director